Saturday, April 5, 2014

It's Saturday, Let's Celebrate!

As I was reading through some blogs today, I came across one that was joining Ruth Ayres Writes.  The idea is to write on Saturdays about what you have to celebrate in your life. This is a quote from Ruth:

What's this all about?
We only get one shot at this life. One chance to make the most of it. One chance to live in the moment. If we aren't careful, it is easy to become tattered and worn and even a little undone.

I liked that idea. So, I began to think of what I really wanted to celebrate today. I finally decided to celebrate my life as a retired teacher/coach. Some days it is tough for me to celebrate retirement. I loved my job. I loved working with kids and teachers. I miss that. But, thinking of it all in a different way, I need to celebrate what I have.

I now have time to do other things I enjoy, too.  I love my days filled with exercise like bike rides and long walks and hard runs. I love the chance to take care of grandchildren whenever I am needed. I also love working in classrooms. That is where I get my "fix" for working with kids.

When I look at my days in this way, I know I have a lot to celebrate.  I like this idea of taking one day a week to celebrate large and small things in my life. So glad Ruth took the opportunity to challenge me in this way!  Thanks, Ruth!


  1. Retired life does afford you to approach life in a more relaxed way. I celebrate each day when I can dictate the path my day will take. Welcome to Celebration Saturdays.

  2. Ruth's invitation has made a shift in my thinking. Celebrating both the big and the small has allowed to find so many bright moments in life. You have a rich life with your hobbies, grandkids and classroom visits, plus you know not to sit in a corner and cry for the past. Saturday Celebrations will add color too.
