Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Vacation Day 4: Author Visit in Scottsdale

It was a perfect spring day with the temperature at about 77 degrees and the sun high in the cloudless, blue sky.  We took off for a trip to Scottsdale's Old Town. The day turned out to be an exciting, fun day.
We decided we would simply walk up and down the streets in Old Town.  We knew we would be taking pictures to help journal our experience. We knew we would find a good restaurant to try. We didn't know we would even meet an author.

Outside one of the stores there was a display set up of books.  There was a sign on the table that said: Author will be right back. Before we had a chance to even look at the books, a voice behind us said, "Hi! I'm the author." There he was bigger than life...a John Wayne look alike. He proceeded to tell us about his books: the Brazos Series. He asked, "Do you like to read?" (Can you imagine someone asking ME that?)
After him explaining how his books were like the westerns of Zane Grey and Louis L'Amour
He entertained us with book talks of each of his books in this series. Yes, we did buy one of the books: Across The Brazos, which is an overview of all the books.
What a fun way to start our adventure of exploring the Old Town of Scottsdale..

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